Jackson's addition to the blog:
Mackenzie had a long day today. Because of the extreme heat and Arches National Park's strict pet policies she had to go to day care. After careful consideration by her parents (and because it was the only option), she had to go to Karen's Canine Camp Ground. After heading down a couple of country roads, passing several people with minimal teeth, and a brother and sister making out, we came up to the Camp Ground- it was a sight to see. It consisted of a small cabin (office) that smelled like Carolyn's* (corrected. Thanks for the comment, Deb.) house (Jenna's grandma on Guy's side- a bit smokey) and a fenced in area where the dogs could play. It also had an area to get out of the heat. With some reservations, we left our little MacKenzie at this backwoods Camp Bow Wow and went on our way. After a long day of hiking, we returned to pick MacK up from camp. Imagine our surprise when we got to the cabin we found a note from Karen saying, "went to doctor will be back 1:30 to 2:00." Instead of waiting for Karen we broke MacK out by prying a gate open and sneaking our little dog out. We left Karen a note and her payment and were on our way to Salt Lake City. Suffice to say Mackenzie has been a bit tight lipped and bit Jackson when he was trying to sleep during the drive.
If you look closely, you can see a "Y" in the mountain. Jackson snapped this photo on BYU's campus. I collect college t-shirts and needed to get one there. I went in to the bookstore with a sleeveless shirt and was informed that I was breaking dress code. Oops. I quickly left and sent Jackson in to buy a shirt for me. (Someone had to wait outside with MacKenzie.) We have NEVER been to a place and felt so foreign. It was like they knew that we didn't belong. Creepy. Also, the campus was really old. I kept looking for Greg or Marsha Brady because it was so 70's looking.

Jackson's addition:
A quick story from when I waited for Jenna to be kicked out of the BYU bookstore. (Still laughing the Jenna, of all people, got kicked out for dress code violations!) Anyway, Mack and I were waiting outside the bookstore and we were both looking particularly cute (Mack)/ handsome (me). Two young Mormon co-eds came by and began to admire MacK. They started talking to me so I mentioned to them I was waiting for my wife who was in buying items at the bookstore. I typically mention something about my wife whenever I talk to any women in and around my age group just so they know I am taken (not that I really think a college girl is in the age group of girls I could date if I was still on the market). Anyway, I quickly realized they were Mormon and this whole married thing might not be a deal breaker. Just then they started mentioning things like, "I'm a great cook and clean well" or "I have wide birthing hips" and finally, "multiples run in my family." When Jenna got back out I told her about the possible new wives that would be joining the family and she seemed OK with it.
One correction to Jackson's addition - Jenna's Grandma on Guy's side is Carolyn....
Glad you have an eventful day! Now Jenna will have something to compare to the next time she gets asked to leave an establishment...looking forward to hearing about Salt Lake City
What a beautiful place. Jack did a great photography job. I loved Jack's addition to the blog. Have a continued great time.
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