After making a quick stop in Deadwood, South Dakota (home to a show Jackson used to watch on HBO that turned out to just be an old gambling town) we headed for Denver. The drive was gorgeous and we took our time- stopping whenever we wanted. It was nice not to be rushed!
MacKenzie kept herself occupied a lot with her bone. What a good dog.

I think she looks so regal in this side-of-the-road pee stop shot.

Jackson also peed on the side of the road. Men are lucky in that way.

We were driving along in Wyoming and came across this gorgeous sight so I had to stop and take a photo. Lovely.

Isn't God's creation just gorgeous? Ugh, it was seriously breath-
takingly beautiful out there today.

We got stuck in a little bit of traffic coming into Denver. Not a problem according to MacKenzie who used the time to look out the window and entertain others. :)
We, obviously, made it home safely this evening around 6:30. It was almost exactly a 36 hour trip. Fun! :) Now we're off to see if we can catch some fireworks from the top of a dam near our place. Happy Independence Day!
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