I love going to the movies. I always have and I probably always will. It is just plain fun. Friday night I went to Denver's fancy theatre: The Landmark. It was so nice! $12 for a ticket, but the popcorn and sodas are free and unlimited. The seats are awesome. There is a bar. The whole place is just amazing. I loved it. We did have issues parking so that was annoying, but overall it was a wonderful place to see a movie.

I did not love the
Time Traveler's Wife. It was such a weird
premise. He was always landing places naked and that kind of annoyed me. It was just hard to put out of my mind how very unrealistic it was. Does that mean that I did not cry like a
freakin' baby at the sad parts? Of course not. As Jackson says, "you are still Jenna
Petefish...even if you don't like the movie, you'll cry. That's you." :)

Tonight I went to see
Julie & Julia. I went to see it all by myself! I had never gone to a movie alone before and I did not mind it. Both of the movies that I saw were not exactly Jackson's style so it was nice to spare him for once. He usually suffers through with minimal complainants because he's awesome. :) (Can you tell that I've moved on to the missing him a lot phase now? I'm ready for him to be home NOW!) I'm now going to read the book that the movie was based on, but I will not read the book for
Time Traveler's Wife. You win some, you lose some.
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