We knew it was going to rain nearly all day today so we decided to take a little road trip to New Haven, Connecticut to see Yale University's campus. We were NOT disappointed. It was a gorgeous campus. It is neck-and-neck with Princeton as my favorite campus that I have ever visited (and I've been to a LOT of campuses). We tried taking the scenic route to Yale, but since it was raining and foggy we couldn't see the ocean. Bummer.

Imagine my surprise when we walk into a pizza joint right near Yale's campus for lunch and see Katie Couric. I recognized her right away. Her voice gave her away. She just looked like an average mother dropping her daughter off at college for the year. I overheard her saying that she turned down covering Ted Kennedy's funeral because she had committed to her daughter to help move her into Yale. I was so glad to hear that she made time for her daughter instead of covering a big story. I do not really like Katie's newscast very much, but I did somewhat take a shine to her as a person upon hearing this story. Anyway, I snuck a photo of her but, of course, did not bug her for an autograph or phony conversation. (Jackson made fun of my mercilessly for being interested in what was happening at Katie's table. Whatever. It was interesting conversation over there!)

We got a real kick out of their ornate and old buildings that had crazy things carved into them like men's faces with big ears. Doesn't this guy look like George W. Bush?!

The archways were just gorgeous. We snuck into this building and took some video that I cannot currently upload as the hotel's internet deemed it inappropriate material. LOL! Yeah, inside of Yale's graduate studies building is dead sexy. ;)

The ivy for an Ivy League school!
We also stopped in at Brown University today brining our grand total of Ivy League schools visited on this trip to 3. I've been to Princeton in the past so I am half-way to my goal of seeing all 8 Ivy League schools. I'm a school nerd- leave it alone. :)
Ok, the internet here at the hotel is really picky so I'm going to just post this without much more commentary. Tomorrow we're off to Block Island, RI for some much needed R&R after all of this activity!
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