I was trying to pass the time before Jackson got home today so I rented
The Soloist. I have wanted to see it ever since I saw the previews probably a year ago. It is about a man with schizophrenia who has ended up homeless but is still incredibly talented at playing the violin. A reporter for the L.A. Times becomes fascinated with him and writes a series of columns about him. Eventually the homeless man gets his own apartment and a proper violin with all of its strings. It was a beautiful story about how taking time can make all of the difference in
someone's life. It is based on a true story. It struck me how the homeless man is always so thankful. Anything the reporter did for him was greatly appreciated. It reminded me a lot of my Uncle Mike who had the same disease. Thankfully Mike always had a home- I think- but he was the most grateful man I have ever met. I know that we usually look at people with mental illness with sad eyes, but they often look at us the same way. I think they know something that we don't. I think they have the ability to really appreciate the little things. Anyway, it was a great movie and I really enjoyed it.
Jackson is home now! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! He's pretty much exhausted from all of his driving and work on the Westfield house so I think he's done for the night already. That's ok. At least we get to have a few days together!
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