Saturday, July 26, 2008


Today we are in Upland to help my Dad cook for vacation Bible school. We stopped in at our favorite dive, La Hacienda, before we came up to God's country. YUM! I am glad that I can mark it off my list of places to visit before we leave. I plan to hit Ivanhoe's for dessert this evening.

Tonight we are going to dinner with my friend Christina and her fiancee Ben Caudell. He is a detective in Marion so I was all excited to go in the squad car. However, the cars are not to leave the county and since we're eating in Muncie that was a no-go. Boo. Hiss. Boo. Some people and their love of obeying rules... ;) (For those of you who know me well you know I love a good rule as much as a good pair of shoes- hence being a tax accountant!)

Jackson is gearing up for his last day at the Fishers' Schwab office. He gets a few days off for the move. Not so with my job. I have a ton of loose ends to tie up and a new girl to "train" before I go. I hate calling it training like the person is a dog or something. So what if the last lady was a female dog?! ;) The new one seems really nice and like a good fit. One less thing I have to worry about. I am going to stay working for my current boss, Bill, as we have become more like friends than co-workers. He has been very good to me and I look forward to a continued relationship.

This week Bill's wife Liz, a home ec. teacher, helped me to reupholster a bench that Jackson had purchased years ago. It looks so good. I am terribly proud of that silly thing.

Our going away party will be August 2 @ 4pm. The address is 11023 Treyburn Dr. Fishers, IN 46037. It is a BBQ and there will be plenty of food. Come on by!

Have a good weekend,

Tax Tip of the Day (they're baaaack!): Save all of your moving receipts because if you get to itemize they will be a misc. deduction- subject to the 2% floor!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A retraction...

I have been made aware that in a previous post I called Susie P. (Jackson's dear mother) 64 years old. She is 63 until December 5. Excuse me. I hope not to be sued for slander. ;)

We ordered our "we've moved" cards today and printed our blog address on them. I expect more traffic on this site once those go out...we'll see!

I'm a mixed bag of emotions today. Excited to unpack all of my boxes, but sad to leave everything that I know and love. Sigh.

Hope all is well with you, dear reader.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Our new place...

We FINALLY found a place to live! YAY!!

Our new address will be 17315 Water House Circle Unit E Parker, CO 80134

Our landlords are actually from Indiana and gave us the "Hoosier discount." LOL :)

We will be leaving Indiana on Wednesday August 6th as we both need to give 2 weeks' notice at work. We're going to have a going away party on August 2nd- more info on that to come!

The Garden of the Gods was really cool today. Just a warning, though it says "garden" there are NO FLOWERS!!!!! It is a rock garden. I am going to call it the opposite of the Grand Canyon. Where the Grand Canyon is a big hole, the Garden of the Gods has rocks sticking out of the ground. Some crazies were rock climing out there. Wild westerners.

We can't wait to get out here and get settled. I will admit that during the lease signing I bawled my eyes out as the move became so real. I am going to miss my parents, their pups and S. Pete. We really are blessed with awesome families and will miss seeing them as much. We hope for visits.

Please plan visits now to get the best ticket prices!

We hope all is well you, dear readers.

A mini sermon...

Since we won't be making it to church today due to our house hunt I decided to write my own little sermon. Don't expect a lot...I do not think this is really my gift.

Yesterday Jackson and I had the chance to hang out with our dear friend Meg. As many of you may know she has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has taken this in stride like one would not believe. We were so blown away by how well she is handling things. She's just awesome. While we were sitting at dinner last night we had a nice discussion about how things have gone down for her. Right before she was diagnosed she got a nice promotion. She not only makes more money now, but also got an additional week of vacation. This was definately a blessing since she does not yet qualify for FMLA leave. Even the way that she found the lump- randomly in the shower- was just amazing. I sat at dinner with goosebumps thinking about how faithful God has been to her. I was just so thankful for Him- He's got so much going many people and things to watch over, but he continues to watches over each one of us daily. It just blew my mind.

I am often guilty of taking God's faithfulness for granted. I just expect things to fall my way...often without even asking via prayer. This was a great reminder for me to just be in awe of God.

Anyway, that wasn't really a sermon but it was really an eye opener for me. I hope that it encourages you all as much as it did me!

Still no luck with the house search, but we are hopeful for today's search. Later today we'll head to the Garden of the Gods. That should be really awesome!

Type to you later,

Saturday, July 19, 2008


We're in Denver...looking for a place to live. Our luck thus far has been slim as we cannot find a place the feels like "home." We continue our search today, but feel mighty discouraged. It is very tough being in a new city and not knowing where the perfect place is.
Your continued prayers and support as appreciated.
