Thursday, November 28, 2013


Marion High School has a player who will be going to INDIANA UNIVERSITY next year to play basketball. Jackson is so excited that my Mom and Guy got us season tickets to Marion's games this year. I wasn't excited at first. I mean what fun-loving semi-adult dreams of going to high school basketball games? Not this one. I was wrong not to be excited. James Blackmon, Jr. is the real deal and the game was more fun than any I attended when I was actually in high school.

Also worth noting, Blackmon, Jr. tweeted before the game (yes, my grown husband follows a high school kid that we do not know on Twitter. Try not to focus on the weirdness of that one, friends.) that TOM CREAN- Indiana University's coach- would be at the game to see him play. SOLD! We didn't have much time to make a poster so I quickly printed out a little sign to hold up for Tom. Jackson was mortified before we even left Upland and was CERTAIN we'd not meet Tom Crean. You'd think he'd learn by now that I generally get what I want.... :)
How embarrassed does Jackson look?
The seats that my mom waited out in the cold to get (I'm not kidding. These tickets were a hot item this year!) were AWESOME! We were right behind the press people. 
Blackmon, Jr. is #24
I kept my eyes peeled for Tom Crean. My hairstylist, friend and fellow IU basketball devotee, Danielle Jones, was at the game too so we were texting each other with updates on Crean's arrival. THEN he walked in. HOORAY!
The first guy in red standing up under the #4 sign
I held up my little COACH CREAN'S FAN CLUB sign. Thankfully I'd made one for Jackson, too. When he wouldn't hold it up, the guy next to us did. Who is that guy? Oh Zach Randolph's brother-in-law. Yes, Zach Randolph of Marion Giant and now NBA fame. He wasn't too good to be a fan with me, Jackson! Anyway, COACH CREAN SAW MY SIGN AND THREW HIS HEAD BACK LAUGHING! I decided now was the time. Danielle met me and we walked over to Tom at the break between the 1st and 2nd quarter. He said, "I love your sign! Thank you so much! How are you ladies? IU Fans?! I LOVE THAT! Can I sign your little sign? That made my night!" I happily handed my sign over and then he shook my hand and we wished him well.
Tom signing my sign
Yes- that did happen
WINNER! WINNER! WINNER! Jackson didn't think I had a chance at meeting Tom. I love when people doubt me. Eventually Tom Crean posed for photos with fans and stuff, but I'd already spent my time with him. I consider us old friends now and I wanted to respect his space. You know how that goes. HA! ;)

James Blackmon, Jr. had 54 points all by himself and broke the school's record (set by his dad who is now the coach of the team!). It was such a fun game to attend. I am already excited for the next one. Does that make me an old lady?! EEEK!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Jackson and I had the best weekend. It really wasn't anything out of the ordinary but it was just so fun. Friday night we watched a horrible British comedy that I rented on Redbox. It was a win because it had some funny parts and only cost us $1. Saturday I attempted hot yoga. Don't attempt hot yoga. I am still recovering from throwing my back somehow and hot yoga did not help. At all.

We spent most of Saturday afternoon shopping and just hanging out. We ran into a liquor store to get wine for a "Friendsgiving" dinner party we were going to and happened upon a wine tasting event. We don't turn down free stuff so we wine tasted until I was drunk. I'm not kidding. Four tastes and I was toasted. I don't drink, friends. That is a lot of alcohol for my sensitive system. I did find some wine that I liked, though, so the wine tasting wasn't a bust for the store. We also stopped at Starbucks that evening and ended up with a free drink due to computer issues. We should have played the Powerball!!!
My new favorite wine
Our friends Corey and Ashley hosted a vegan dinner party where we all actually ate! Say what?! It was really, really good food, too. I was so impressed!
"Happy Friendsgiving- eating with people you actually like!" 
Ashley's sign as the centerpiece was just too funny not to document. (No offense family. I like most of you. HA!) We also played Cards Against Humanity which is just a crass version of Apples to Apples. It was so fun/funny/inappropriate. Then we decided to stop for cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory for dessert because we were 1. a little hungry from vegan fare 2. closer to the Fashion Mall than normal 3. young and free without anything to tend to at home. I loved it. I love the freedom of our life. It has hit me so hard recently to enjoy this time and soak it in. We're young, healthy and in love. We have to savor each moment.
We also have the world's cutest dog which doesn't hurt a darned thing. Sunday we celebrated our anniversary with a trip to my favorite spa, Evan Todd at the Conrad in downtown Indianapolis. It was awesome. We swam, soaked in the hot tub, spent time in the sauna and steam rooms and got massages. I didn't want to leave. Ever. We did eventually leave and finished out our Sunday running errands around Fishers. It was such a nice treat to be at the spa, though. I kept forgetting that we weren't on vacation. That's the best feeling ever- by the way.
100,000 miles!!!
Also worth noting is the fact that my car, Audrina the Audi, hit 100,000 miles this weekend. I've never had a car do that. It makes me feel proud and sad and happy and stressed all at one time.

MacKenzie meets the Porterfield children...

Back on November 10th (what? You never get a little behind on things and post something 17 days later? Good for you.) we took MacKenzie with us for an evening with the Porterfield family. Gunner (their pooch) recently sprung for a new fancy fence and MacK wanted to try it out. (MacKenzie didn't do so well about actually staying outside because Heidi someone let her in every single time she even looked at us through the sliding glass doors.)

NOTE:  I just scrolled back through old blogs and realized that I might have to start paying Heidi and Andrew royalties or something based on the number of entries about their children. What can I say? We're big fans! :)

Anyway, we had a lovely dinner with the Porterfield family and wore ourselves out playing with the little ones. I don't know if I've posted about my realization recently that I identify more with my friends and co-workers children then I care to admit. I find that Jocelin's way of expressing her frustrations with things really make sense to me. I love her for it and only question my own maturity for a moment...ha!
"YOU want a photo with ME?!"- Joss to creepy Jackson
"Alright, smile old man."
"I'm laughing because I'm cute!"
"Really, really cute!" 
"Did I say Jax would be in the photo?!"- Joss
"Let me in the picture!!"- Jax
"I should have told Jenna to do her hair..."- Joss
"Hi, MacKenzie! That's my chair..."
"Ohh! A photo? CHEESE!"
Best. Photo. Ever. 

No trip to the Porterfield's is complete without a dessert shot- YUM! 
I must admit that having access to Jax and Jocelin almost anytime is one of the perks stopping Jackson and me from having our own children. Why would we? We've got these kiddos just ten minutes away! I love Heidi for giving birth to and raising our adopted grandchildren. She's so thoughtful! ;):)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Vegan Chili

I know. I know. This doesn't sound like it should be good. It is. It is SO good. (Note: I left out the ground chipotle chile)


The Time You Have (In JellyBeans)

Man this makes you think....

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Smart things to do...

I read this list the other day. It was an answer to the question, "What are the smartest things I can do NOW for my future while I'm still young?" I don't know who the author is, but they're pretty wise. I love this list. 

1. Exercise.
Boy, this changes your life. Making exercise an important part of my life has been instrumental in finding more inner peace, health and happiness. 

2. Save money.
I cannot tell people enough how much debt weighs you down. It is not worth it. Save. Save. Save.

3. Plan for your future. Invest in it.
Tomorrow is not promised but that doesn't mean you may not see it. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

4. Tell everyone how you feel about them because in your future they will all be dead.
So this one is worded a little differently than I would have liked, but it is true. The people who mold who you are often leave you with large holes in your life later on. Cherish them now. 

5. Relax.
Practicing yoga helps with this as does practicing Pilates on the reformer. Lovely. 

6. Be positive. Choose to be happy.
You really do select how you're feeling. You can let things bring you down or you can opt to keep moving. 

7. Surround yourself with positive, caring people that are better than you.
It is amazing how much better life is when you surround yourself with people who are caring and warm.

8. Practice forgiveness and understanding.
I think this goes back to the Golden Rule. We want others to figure us so we have to forgive them.

9. Set goals and put your entire being towards them, whatever they may be.
Whew. I think there is a real power to this method. I've not mastered it yet...

10. Give everything you do in life 100%, regardless of how you feel about it. Success is a choice you make every day; it is not dependent upon results.
You get out what you put in. It is as simple as that. 

11. You're not always right. Always assume you could be wrong. If you are, forgive yourself and move on. Don't dwell. Be thankful to those who corrected you. Ego and pride are roadblocks.

Boy. This one is tough. I'd like to think it is universally difficult, but it might just be me. I've very recently realized that perhaps I'm not always right. It has rocked my world to the core. I wish I could say that I am kidding. I'm not. My reasoning has always been, "if I thought I was wrong, I wouldn't think that way." Which I still say makes sense. I think of this more as being open to other people's opinions...

12. Your entire life is defined more by what you give to others than what you have or receive, whether you want to admit it or not. Every day practice a habit of giving, even if it's something small like a compliment. You always have something to offer others, even if you don't have time or money.I think this is a beautiful thought. I've also realized that there is no greater feeling than giving. Again, it took me some, OK a lot, of time to get to this point. I'm there now, though. Do I still like to get gifts? Sure. I also really, really enjoy giving them.

13. Remember that you, just like everyone else, have the power to change the world profoundly. You matter. You only have one life. Make it count.
This takes me back to my "World Changer" days at Indiana Wesleyan. I think we're all guilty of thinking, "what can I, one person, do to make an impact on the world?" We shouldn't think like that. We can make an impact because all it takes is one life changed to start a chain of loveliness

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Catching up...

This is going to be a random post.

We so enjoy getting updates about how Ms. Heidi is doing in her new Floridian home. The other day we got a photo of her in her new nighttime walking vest. She'll never have to worry about not being seen on those now nightly strolls. Go ahead and insert jealousy here that they can still walk outside at night comfortably. It is simply too cold here for that anymore!
Ms. Heidi is ready for evening walks
My little nephew isn't so little anymore! Justin's school has Prom in the Fall- I know it is super weird. Doesn't he look so handsome? Ugh. Wasn't he just a toddler the other day?!
What a handsome young man! 
Jackson had been a little less than thoughtful recently so he sent flowers to my office when he was in Kansas City. They were some of the most beautifully fragrant flowers I'd ever smelled. I imagine that Heaven smells like this bouquet did. Note: the flowers did expedite his departure from the doghouse.
My best friend, Heidi, made this sign for me to hang in my office. She found the quote online and I fell in love with it. I'd been wanting something substantial to hang on a large, blank wall and this is going to be perfect. Isn't she so talented?!
Finally, Jackson and I were going through old photos the other day looking for a certain picture that I just knew existed. I still know it exists, I just no longer know where. Anyway, we found this photo of my 1st birthday and Jackson said, "Gosh! You didn't even like aging back then!!!!" I laughed so hard that it hurt. He was right. I guess some stuff will never change. ;)
Angry birthday girl

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


This will never be the same for me again...
Run, don't walk, to your t.v. and record "BlackFish" on CNN. It is one of the most interesting documentaries I've ever seen. (I've seen quite a few, too. I like them.) I've certainly been to SeaWorld in the past, but that will not ever happen again. I was aghast at the conditions in which these beautiful animals are forced to live. It also made me rethink ever going to another zoo...

Anyway, watch it for yourself and make your own decisions. It is rather disturbing, though, so you've been warned.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Jackson got his "office" assignment (read: cubicle) in the Chase Tower this week. He was so excited to decorate it. He cracks me up. I was thankful to get most of the "man room" items out of the house and into a more appropriate location. ;) He gets a lot of flack from his co-workers for his IU fandom and the fact that his only client is IU health. Since they're all in Kansas City they did not know that IU was a big deal around here and that he'd been a fan of the school LONG before he worked with the hospital chain. :)
Yes, that is Milan's IU flag. It made me sad/happy.
Since Jackson likes to mock me he decided to "model" a purse that I was sending to my sister so she could see its approximate size. If you're going to mock me, be ready for the whole world to see it. OK, the whole blog reading world. Ok, so 2 or 3 people. Shoot. ;)
Cute bag, no?
Finally, we had an exciting Friday at school this week. We had a "shooter" on campus and my building got evacuated. It turned out to be nothing, but it was enough to get my attention. I promptly came home and snuggled up with my little MacKenzie. It is sad that it sometimes takes being scared out of your mind to remember what really matters the most to you. I made Jackson come home that night and just sit on the couch with me so that we could just be. I just wanted to be with my little family. It was a good reminder I guess. I'd rather not have anymore of that kind of excitement on campus, though.
What a sweet puppy! 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

MacKenzie turns 7!!

Grammy threw a lovely dinner for MacKenzie's 7th birthday on November 2nd. Bob & Judy brought Boomer over, too. Jackson and I cooked turkey tenderloins, the now famous mandarin orange salad, mashed potatoes and cream cheese iced chocolate cupcakes. Today is MacKenzie's actual birthday but Jackson had to be in Kansas City for training and I had to work late so we celebrated early. She'll never know. ;) She is getting to spend her birthday with Macy and Madison in Upland which is probably way more fun than hanging with her parents anyway.
Birthday girl! 

She looks a little sad. She wasn't.
We cannot believe our little lady is SEVEN! She doesn't look a day over four. :) Happy birthday, MacKenzie. We love you!