Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The Petefish family LOVES the Olympics. I am partial to swimming, diving, running and gymnastics. I think because I cannot do any of those things. Jackson loves pretty much anything they televise. He watched skeet shooting the other day. Weirdo. MacKenzie, however, is partial to the horses. She was watching this morning while Jackson prepped for work. I love that little dog! :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Boring. Weekend.

We had a very boring relaxing weekend. I do not know how people stay in town every weekend. There is a whole world out there waiting for me to explore it!
Anyway, when I could not sleep anymore (I've been a little sick this week) we took a freshly groomed MacKenzie for a walk on some random nature trail near our recyling drop site. It was a cute little area and we were happy to get a little exercise. MacKenzie was not allowed to swim since we'd just paid $40 for her to be clean. She was not happy. ;)

Friday, July 27, 2012


This term "YOLO" has become tremendously popular with the youth of America. I'd like to think that I live by the philosophy. Oh, are you old and don't know what YOLO means? I'm sorry. You Only Live Once.

Anyway, my view on life is this: you're only young once and we only live once so why waste it?!

Get out there, friends. Do what it is that you love. Travel. Sing. Dance. Floss. Sleep. Spend time with family or friends. Adopt a pet. Serve those less fortuante. Donate blood. Donate money. Donate time. Cheer on the U.S.A. in the Olympics. DO SOMETHING THAT MATTERS because YOLO!

Cutest. Puppy. EVER.

I know that your heart just melted. Why wouldn't it? That MacKenzie is the cutest puppy to ever live. There. I said it. I know you might be thinking, "Gosh! It must be hard work to take care of such a cute puppy!" It isn't because she is perfect. A little pricey? Sure. She needs special food and professional haircuts, but isn't that understandable? If I looked like her I'd be demanding and expensive, too! ;)

HA! Now you know how I really feel about this nearly six-year old dog puppy...as if there was any doubt.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


 We tried to go to the pool in our neighborhood on Sunday afternoon. It was hell. Do you see all those kids? Yep. It wasn't them. It was their whiny parents. Seriously. Mothers were complaining about school supply lists. Yep. There are children starving in Africa and these ladies are worried about having to buy post-it notes. Highly annoyed, we left after about 30 minutes.
In exciting news my TEBOW t-shirt came in the mail the week. Cha-ching. I cannot wait to go see his preseason game in a few weeks!

We had to get my car serviced today. I cannot wait to not own a car anymore when we move to Europe. I was pretty excited because I randomly printed a coupon off of Audi's website and saved us $75 on the nearly $800 visit. Yep. It was pricey. Grumble. 

Fun with the Pfield fam

We got to see the Porterfield's again. Ah, we love seeing that little family. Jax is a ton of fun to play with and little miss Jocelyn is adorable. I am always amazed that Heidi manages to keep her house clean, still be putting me to shame with her decorating skills and make delicious desserts. Meanwhile my house needs cleaned, my walls need painted and I was going to make a box of brownies for dessert. C'est la vie! :) We don't normally get Jackson and Jax's names confused but last night I heard Heidi say, "Let's eat. Jack is hungry!" I quickly told my Jackson to calm down and that we'd eat soon. As it turns out she said "Jax is hungry," and it was hilarious. Those of you who know my Jack would find this an easy mistake to make. ;)

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Friday night we had "date night" which consisted of going to Mama Carolla's for dinner (I LOVE their Italian wedding soup!) and taking MacKenzie on a long walk. I also got flowers- as shown above. It was really sweet. Saturday we spent our time at the gym and then went to the wedding I just posted about before coming home to watch "Friends with Kids." It was actually a pretty decent movie. We expected it to be funnier, but it was entertaining. After being on the go so much recently it was really nice to just be at home watching a movie on the couch together. It is the little things, people. I love our "dates" and cannot wait for the next one.


We were shocked to learn yesterday morning that Sir Alex would be attending a family wedding in Anderson that afternoon. We were also attending so that meant we got to see the little guy. I was so excited. (I won't rant here about how not being told he was coming to town hurt my feelings, but it did.)
Instead of rice, they gave us bubbles to blow at the bride and groom as they left the church. Alex LOVES bubbles. (He also showed me that I wasn't that good blowing bubbles anymore.)
 He kept trying to "catch" the bubbles...as in he broke them. HA!
 He looked SO sweet in his little suit and clip-on tie. Oh man, I love that kid!
 This scene cracked me up. Kylie was trying to wipe Alex down after a snack gone wrong and he wanted to play in the sinks. Hilarious.
 He had on little sperry shoes, just like Uncle Jackson! They were SO cute!
I love his face here. "Don't worry, ladies, my mommy has me covered here." This scene also reminded me how hectic the lives of parents are. I'll pass, but it was sure fun to see the little guy for a few hours!

Scared puppy

 We finally got some rain this week and the smallest member of the family was not pleased.
 She HATES thunderstorms and was seeking out hiding place anywhere she could.
 Doesn't that break your heart? She never makes herself comfortable on the hardwood floors so I knew she was really scared.
She finally came out from under my kitchen desk but she wouldn't leave my side. This made emptying the dishwasher a really simple task. Oh wait, no it did not. That's ok, she looked cute while being so scared. :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Double the cuteness

MacKenzie looking back while on her newly required morning walk. Thanks for that, Grammy. ;) I think she is saying, "DAD! Let's GO!" (Jackson walks her as I have to leave more than an hour before Jackson does.)
Look at Sir Alex! He is SO big. I cannot even deal. He looks so much like Nick and hardly reminds me of my sister except for his coloring. I need to see this "little" guy again soon.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Shaya and Bates are MARRIED! You may recall that I established this match. Thank you, thank you.
Shaya looked GORGEOUS and Bates was as handsome as ever. The wedding was SO FUN! I really enjoyed it. I cried. A lot. I cried so much during my Matron of Honor speech that I had to pause for about a minute to gather myself.
The reception was at the Skyline Club in the OneAmerican building (yes, that is Jackson's office building- random, eh?!). It was amazing. The view was spectacular. The tallest building in the photo above was my office building during my time in hell tenure with Deloitte Tax.
My handsome wedding date.
I love how the IPL building looked like a flag still from the 4th. It was awesome. The happy couple had an amazing day and now they're off to the Dominican for some R&R (insert jealousy here!)

I've pasted the gist of my speech below. I cried a lot and ad-libbed, but you'll get the picture:

First, let me say that Shaya looks absolutely stunning this evening- the picture of bridal beauty.
I’m Jenna Petefish. Shaya and I have been the best of friends since meeting in our 6th grade orchestra class. Yes, orchestra. Try to deal with how cool we were.
Frankly, that is how I still remember Shaya. A part of me will always been a young girl hanging out at the Newton’s house in the Avondale neighborhood. They had an awesome basement where we spent countless hours and Mrs. Newton always made the best food for us. I always felt like a part of the family and stayed the night there all of the time through high school. I remember many, many nights sneaking around the neighborhood with Shaya and our friends Nicole, Whitney and Vanessa jumping on neighbor’s backyard trampolines until they woke up. Then we ran like the wind as to not get caught. Those were the days, right girls? I see those disapproving looks, Mr. & Mrs. Newton, I’m sorry- it was SO fun. (HA!) Also, Ryan (Shaya's younger brother who is now a body builder/personal trainer) will always be "little Ryno" to me. The little boy who wouldn't share his Nintendo controllers with us- I don't care how big he gets!
I also remember sneaking into the “M Club” to watch Shaya cheerlead in high school and cheering for her instead of the team. We were even at IU together for a year and had some good times in our dorm, Briscoe-Disco. I visited Shaya often after I transferred colleges and she helped me celebrate my 21st birthday…from what I remember we had a nice time. HA! We’ve continued to be friends into our adult years and Shaya is always good for a laugh and a great time.
The moment that I met Matthew Bates (I call him just “Bates”) at a Charles Schwab Christmas party I just knew they were a perfect fit. In fact I even said to him, “if you have a girlfriend, dump her, I’ve got the PERFECT girl for you- my best friend Shaya!” Bates is one my favorite guys ever and his stories always prove to be long, but worth the wait. J I gave him Shaya’s number and the rest, as they say, is history. I’ve had the pleasure of watching their love form and grow- what a special treat. So, here we are today to celebrate the love that they share and to wish them all the best in their new lives together.
Shaya & Bates, I love the both of you so much and wish you nothing but joy and happiness in this new journey together. Thank you for letting me be a part of your special day. CHEERS! 

Friday, July 13, 2012

True love

Ms. Madison looking ADORABLE sitting in "her" chair waiting for Guy to get home. I love that dog. LOVE her!


Confession: I'd been interviewing for a tax position with Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. They paid for me to come down after a few weeks of phone and skype meetings. They put us up in the fanciest hotel in which we've stayed, the Loew's Vanderbilt. That is right, we had a candy drawer. YEP!
The room was HUGE and the view of the university was awesome.

They even had an umbrella for me- good thing, it rained like mad the next morning!
There was a REAL bath rug in the bathroom. That is unheard of in most hotels.
Ever the nerd, Jackson traveled with his own iron. He has interviews down there, too.
They even sold water with gold in it...because any bottle of water that costs $6 must have gold in it, right?!
Jackson checking out his "view." HA! ;)
All dolled up and ready to interview.
They even dressed the lions outside of the hotel according to the weather. It was so cute.

I know, I know you're dying to hear how the interviews went, right? Really well. I got an offer. Jackson had some solid leads. So what is next? Nothing. We didn't love Nashville, I didn't love Vanderbilt and we decided to stay in Indianapolis (for now.) Shocking? I know!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


In an effort to fit into my bridesmaid dress, I have resorted to drinking "earth." Earth consists of organic spinach, organic kale, 1 banana, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, handful of strawberries, blueberries, a kiwi and flax seed.
It is called "earth" because it looks and tastes like slime.
MacKenzie LOVED it and licked anything she could clean.
She even had the green beard to prove it!

Results? Jackson is way better at drinking earth than I am. I hate it. I learned to get it down my plugging my nose. Jackson claims to love it. I claim to hate him. C'est la vie. ;)