Friday, August 31, 2012

"The Name Game"

My parents told me a lot of little lies while I was growing up. All parents do. I present the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. Ok, I didn't get to believe in Santa, but still. Imagine my horror when a lady in my office started singing, "Jenna, Jenna, Bo Benna..." to me the other day. I said, "That's my mom's song! How did you know that?!" I was beside myself. As it turns out, this was not a song that my Mom made up. She must have forgotten to tell me that when she forgot to tell me that, though I was born on Flag Day, people didn't put their flags out JUST to wish me a happy birthday. (I'll always love flags, though, because they made me feel special when I was little and they stand for something pretty important, too!)

You can see me asking my Mom about this omission above. She is quick to take credit for making the "stinky song." A song that went, "pu-wee, Jenna Leigh, pu, pu, Kylie stinky, too!" Yep. I guess that is why she didn't tell me that she didn't make up the Jenna, Jenna, Bo Benna song...because it was a lot better. HA! :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Saturday morning was gorgeous and we took MacKenzie to the Fishers Farmer's Market before I headed to Carmel for reformer pilates. MacKenzie loved all the attention that she got from other shoppers. We were so surprised. ;)
We tried out a new church, Northview in Carmel, and loved it! It was HUGE...just the way I like my churches.
We went to dinner afterwards and saw this gorgeous sky.
Sunday we spent time at our neighborhood pool. It was awesome because there were NO KIDS! Not a single child was in or around the pool. We had the whole pool to ourselves.
Ok, there was one big kid. ;) It was so nice to catch some rays as the summer winds down.
MacKenzie borrowed my new visor to remind everyone that the BMW Championship is coming to Carmel in a couple of weeks. TIGER WOODS WILL BE (basically) PLAYING GOLF IN MY BACKYARD! YESSSSSSS!
MacK got in some ball games.

There is not a single thing better if you ask her. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I love reading travel blogs. Since our plan is to eventually be big travelers ourselves I like to see how those who are already wild and free do it. A friend recommended "The Everywhereist" to me and I've been loving her blog ever since. Well, until this post the other day.

Reason #6 on her list made her enemy #1 in my book. Listing cinnamon smell as a positive? Come on! That's insane. (I detest cinnamon for those of you living under a rock.)

Anyway, she really is a witty and fun writer. She's worth adding to your blog list for sure!


In light of my previous downer of a post, I thought that this kind of tongue-in-cheek look at happiness was appropriate. I love this blogger and recommend surfing around his site for some really great thoughts and ideas on life he's learned while traveling the globe. He couldn't be more spot-on with this post if he tried, in my opinion. 

Bad news bears

The last few weeks have been trying to say the least. I guess I'll start at the beginning.

Two weeks ago today Jackson lost his job. I was home from work that day because I had a nasty case of strep throat. I was out work for 2.5 days and even had to miss seeing Tim Tebow play in Cincinnati because I was so sick. Yep. I'm pretty certain missing Tim might have been the worst thing to happen. I'm only kidding...kind of. ;)

We've been pretty much reeling since this news hit.

We put our house on the market last week. We had been itching to get rid of it because it is a ton of work, more space than we'll ever need and expensive to maintain. It was obviously not our original plan to unload it after just one year but when life happens we have to be willing to roll with its punches. We are currently negotiating an offer on it so please pray that it works out and can be a fairly painless process.

In addition the excitement of the unemployment line and selling the house I got pulled over for speeding on Friday evening. I really didn't mean to be speeding. I was just lost in my thoughts and on a country road winding into Fishers. I was going 53 in a "35" (I still think a 35 is ludicrous, but I'm not in charge) so I got a $152 ticket and a "have a nice day" from Officer Jerkface. I think that might have really been his name. ;) While waiting for Jerkface to write my ticket, birds pooped all over and in my car. Yes, my top was down. I pretty much lost it for the first time at that point. My husband lost his job, we're selling our house ahead of schedule (I LOVE planning and I HATE compromising) and now I've gotten my first lousy speeding ticket in years. GREAT! I had about an hour long pity party that my poor Mom got to attend with me via telephone. (Sorry about that, Mom. Thanks for listening!)

The rest of last weekend was pretty uneventful. We had a great dinner with some of my former co-workers from Deloitte on Saturday night and went to church that evening, too. Sunday I went to dinner with my friends Shaya and Nicole. It was so nice to catch up with them. When we paid the waiter dropped my debit card through the holes in their outside deck and was unable to retrieve it at that time. I decided at that point that the universe was out to get me. I got my meal for free, they promised to try to retrieve the debit card and I went home. About an hour later they called and had my card. I was so happy. I got dinner for free and got my card back without the hassle of canceling it. I called it my blessing in disguise. Perhaps it was proof that God doesn't hate me? I'm not sure.

I'm sure you're all thinking, "WHAT IS THE PLAN NOW?!" The answer to that is a resounding, "we haven't a clue, not one singular clue." Jackson has applied for some jobs around here and was able to work some connections about jobs elsewhere. He has some interviews next week. We're really in a holding pattern right now. We hope the house sells but then we're homeless so even that is a double-edged sword. We hope that something falls into place soon for Jackson on the job front but we are highly doubtful that his job hunt will leave us in central Indiana which is sad. Well, kind of sad. There are certainly people and things that we'd miss. Since nothing is set in stone yet I have no feelings about anything. I've decided to try to stay as unemotional about this situation because if I stew too long I get really down and out.

What is the good news? The good news is that we even had a house to sell. Some people have nothing. The good news is that neither of us are terminally ill. We've still got our health. The good news is we had already booked a trip to Maine for Labor Day weekend so we have something to look forward to among a cloudy time in our lives. The good news is that we have each other. The good news is that we have MacKenzie and she is the best little puppy ever. The good news is that we have an amazing support team who helps hold us up when we want to give up and cry. The good news is that I bought pilates reformer packages on a groupon a few weeks ago and am obsessed with the class. (Random? Sure. I thought it was worthy of a good news shout out, though!) The GREAT news? God is still good. He is still with us. HE HAS A PLAN. Even if He is being a little hard on me and not showing me the details. The nerve. ;) I feel hopeful that things will work out because with God on our team how could things not eventually be beautiful?

Whew. That was a lot for one blog post. Hence it being about two weeks late. I sincerely hope you're all doing well. I also hope you know that I know things could be worse. I  do have an attitude of gratefulness even through this trying time. I hope that you have an attitude of gratitude, too.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Eric McLean

This video will TOTALLY make you bawl like a small child. If it doesn't then you might need to check to see if you're human. When Eric says that he is 28 (like me) I totally and completely lost it. It was not a good idea to watch this video before I went to bed last night. I do not think Eric has passed yet so please keep him and his family in your prayers during this tough time. I hope God's peace will find Eric soon.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


MacKenzie ripped up her friend Leon the lion. Oops!
I FINALLY found drawer organizers at the Container Store to organize my make up drawer.
I bought myself some new kicks thinking it would encourage me to run....
We decided to change our bedroom a bit with a new duvet cover.

Friday, August 10, 2012

A stand out card

Imagine my surprise when I checked the mail the other day and saw that I had a birthday card-in August for my June birthday- from my friend Danielle. I give Danielle props for remembering to take her own trash out let alone mail birthday cards! You see, Danielle has twin boys, watches another little guy a few times a week, works as a pharmacy tech, is a wife and the list goes on. How she found time to find the SWEETEST card and send it on the perfect day when I needed a little boost can only be called a "God thing." The card read as follows:

"'So many people think so much of you for so many reasons...your sense of humor and positive attitude and the way you make people smile and feel good about themselves.You're a person to be admired and celebrated. And you are. Wishing you have a very happy birthday.' This card is so perfect for you! Even through the distance, I know you are always there for me if I need advice, or a laugh. You are a wonderful friend. I hope you had a great birthday. Love you! :)"

See? I melted. Thank you so much, D, I love you! XoXo

A man and his pooch

If this article doesn't warm your heart and repair your faith in humanity then nothing will:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The very BEST Mom

My Mom and I don't always see eye to eye. I think that is true for most mother-daughters, but still it is kind of an issue for us. Anyway, today I'm putting aside our prior differences and showering her with compliments because she deserves them. She took care of me today like only a mother could!

Background: I have strep throat, a fever, a headache, other embarrassing issues and I was out of the office yesterday resting. I returned to work today probably a bit prematurely. I've had my door closed all day and only left my office to run downstairs and meet my mom for a few minutes.

Why my Mom is the BEST Mom ever: She drove all the way from God's country (Upland) to my favorite Mexican restaurant in Muncie- La Hacienda Mexican Cantina- just to get me their soup! She knew I only had a 30 minute lunch break (summer hours) and couldn't make it there myself. She went and got my soup (and chips with salsa- YUM!) and BROUGHT THEM TO MY OFFICE. Seriously? Yep. Now that is service. Not only did she DELIVER my lunch (keep in mind I am 28 years old and should really be able to care for myself at this point), but she also knew that we were going through a stressful time with some career issues---I'll address those in a different post at a later date---so she brought me medicine to ward off stress-related issues I develop. (I know that explanation is super vague and intend for it to be so there!) It was beyond thoughtful of her. Seriously. I was blown away. I'm pretty darn tough on my Mom at times so the fact that she is still willing to bring me soup, medicine and lend an ear blows me away.

Thank you SO much, Mom. I love you!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Bucket List/ Life Guide

Once while on a flight (after I finished my book and the airline magazine) and still had time left to waste I made myself a bucket list/ life guide of sorts. I reviewed it last night to see how I was doing and I have to admit I have not made it much of a priority. I intend to change that.

Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Finish the climb to the top of Camelback Mountain

See Mt. Everest (notice that does NOT say climb- I'm a realist and I like living!)

Stand in a Sequoia tree

Eat a potato in Idaho (yes, that is really on my list- don't judge)

Visit Glacier National Park

Run a mini-marathon (perhaps we modify this to a 5k or a "walk" a mini?!)

Swim with sharks (in a cage!)

Learn to swim properly (I'm working on it!)

Drive a racecar around a track- FAST

Cruise around the world (slated for 2017)

Live in a foreign country for 1 year

Read the entire Bible

Visit Africa

See a moose in the wild- preferably while vacationing in Maine- I love Maine (I'll work on this in September when I'm in Maine)

Learn a second language

Publish an article in a reputable tax journal (what? I'm a tax nerd.)

Pass the CPA exam (stop pressuring me!)

Rid the globe of cinnamon (I mean it.)

Write a novel

Adopt a shelter dog

Attend a round of the Masters

Meet Tim Tebow (August 10, 2012 at the preseaon game this is my goal)

Take Jim Nantz's job- preferably in late March thru April

Never walk by a homeless person without at least offer a smile, kind word and hopefully some cash without judgement about whether or not they'll use the cash appropriately (I do this!!)

Continue blogging (here I am!)

Tell Jackson every single day he's the love of my life and that I'm his biggest fan

Do yoga 2 times a week

Always make time to throw the ball to MacKenzie (She's relentless.)

Decrease my road rage (DONE!)

Learn to love people with opinions that differ from mine (I'm REALLY improving here!)
Be an encourager not a discourager

Have a forever young mentality (ALWAYS!)

Always use every single vacation day- (ALWAYS!)

Buy Jackson a sailboat

Visit each of the 50 states (6 more! 6 more!)

Live in NYC

Win the lottery and give the lion's share away (I play, I play, I don't win. Ever.)

Be willing to smile- no matter what

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I've been doing a lot of self loathing  reflecting recently. I think since our summer forcibly slowed due to Jackson's lack of vacation time and the busy time at my office (that has nothing to do with my job function but in an act of "unity" I elected to stick around the office for most of July and August) I've just had more time to think. I've come up with a few things to annoy or bother me about myself. I know that seems unlike me since I'm always generally right and like to be in charge but c'est la vie.

I'm conflicted. The true American in me is a consumer. My car is a 2006 and has almost 72,000 miles on it and it is costing us more and more to keep it running well. A huge part of me just wants a new car. The other part says that my car is running well again, looks great, has a top that does down and should make it through the next couple of years before we head off for our trip around the world and European living adventure. I also start thinking about how you spend money where your heart is. Is my heart in my car? No. Not at all. So I'll keep my car and stop lusting after the new Mercedes E class convertible (because we could afford one of those if I so desired...oh, sorry, I was dreaming). The mere fact that these thoughts cloud my mind make me feel kind of sick and shallow. I felt a public confession would be a worthy repentance.

I hate the way I look. I realize that gaining weight is my fault. That I cannot blame anyone but myself for the lack of control on what I put in my mouth. I can work out all I want but until I can figure out the mind game of not eating bad food I'll never win this battle. I saw some photos from Shaya's wedding- the one I'd been losing weight for since January- and I looked horrific. I spent the better part of a day in bed after seeing them because I just couldn't deal. Then I started thinking about how lame of an issue this is to waste a whole day in bed feeling bad for myself about. It became crystal clear to me how lucky I was as I listened to the Jodi Picoult book "Handle with Care" about a little girl with brittle bone syndrome. She has (in the book) a real health issue that impedes her life. I just need to stop eating like an idiot and work out a little harder. It was a real light bulb moment for me. I've got to stop feeling bad for myself and just do something. Because there are more important things in life than how I look in wedding photos. Someone somewhere is starving. Someone somewhere doesn't know where their next meal will come from and I'm worried about how to avoid my next meal. Something there just doesn't add up. Do you see where the self loathing came in now? My inner thoughts are terrible.

My final revelation isn't quite a shameful. Well, it is not shameful at all just really, really sad. When my Grams passed away and we cleaned out her house we got a ton of Ziploc bags, plastic wrap and individual foil sheets. She was not as cheap as we are about those kinds of kitchen supplies so we brought home a whole box to use in our place. I realized last night that the foil squares were about to run out and I cried. Yep, I cried over foil squares. Holy cow, I'm crying bawling as I type this. They're foil squares, Jenna, buy more. I know. I know. We will because we have loved the convenience of having them, but the new ones won't be the same. Grams won't be the one who purchased them. In its own silly way using all of the foil squares is like losing another piece of Grams and I hate it. Losing my Grams has been the worst thing ever. I just want her back so she can slap my hand the next time I visit her and try to steal her foil squares from her pantry. I want to be at her house with her calling her "big spender" because she busy name brand plastic baggies. I just want to be with her again period. I miss her so much.

There you have it. Aren't you all jealous of Jackson now? He gets to spend time the greedy, selfish, fat, grief-filled mess that is me these days.


Kate Landrum Photography: Rachael + Michael | 7.21.12

Kate Landrum Photography: Rachael + Michael | 7.21.12

Today is a monumental day. I just figured out how to "HTML" link on my blog. I should return to bed now and call today a winner. I thought I was going to have to pay $10 for this photo but I was able to just HTML link it instead. WOW. I guess that is bad for the photographer and good for me?! I gives her website hits, though, if you click on it. I digress. (Ok, I get that no one else is impressed so I'll move on.) Anyway, I loved the idea of having the bride and groom come take photos with each of the tables. I also loved how mad my sister looked in the first photo. The picture of Alex is adorable, too! I give this wedding photographer two thumbs way up!