Sunday, April 22, 2012

Typical weekend

We had a pretty good- typical- weekend. We had dinner at Susie's on Friday night with her friend Carla. Carla is a trip! Those ladies wore us out so much that MacKenzie had to sleep on our bed on Jackson's pillow- as soon above.
Now that tax season is over (WOOT! I always love it, but I love getting my weekends back, too. I'll post more about my love of weekends some other time. You people who always get weekends have no idea how great they are.) it was time to kick it into high gear getting the house ready for the bridal shower on May 6th. (AH!!!!!) We went to Menard's and did some damage in the garden section.
Do you remember a similar photo of a Christmas tree from Menard's garden store? Yeah- this is an all seasons Jeep. HA! :) We spent Saturday night getting flowers planted into pots and ready to go outside. They cannot go outside yet, though, due to the unseasonably cold weather we're experiencing. What gives, Mother Nature?! Today we spent most of the day working in the yard.


You would not believe how large our yard is- I'm pretty sure it is 100,000 acres. (Jackson says it is .5 so I'm pretty close in my estimate.) It was a serious workout and allowed me to excuse myself from the gym today. I hurt worse now than when I was hit by a car. I mean it. I hurt. Jackson hacked down an ugly bush today with an ax. It was a lot of fun to swing that thing. I did not have very good aim so he moved me to the mower.

As I was mowing a thought occurred to me: I always wondered why my Dad thought I was crazy when I offered to mow as a young girl and now I know why. He always happily accepted my offers, by the way. He had as much yard as we do so getting his little girl to mow must have been like hitting the yard lottery. You're welcome, Dad. I wouldn't offer these days. I'm not young anymore.
Jackson and MacKenzie taking a break before heading out to a Mexican dinner with Susie. It was so good. Did I mention that I mowed the entire yard and I hurt? Yes. I did. I'm headed to soak in the tub now.

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