Still snowing. |
I'd like to tell you that I haven't posted in quite a few days because we've been so busy. That would be a lie. I haven't posted because we have not been busy. This has been a particularly horrible winter and we've been in the house a ton. We're also adjusting to Jackson working in hospitals and health clinics and our immune systems have been working overtime. His is better than mine. I've been sick so often recently. I'm tired of it!
MacK is even bored! |
My eyes are healing nicely from the LASIK. I cannot believe that I wake up being able to see. I can watch movies in bed without worrying about breaking my glasses. I can put a sweatshirt on without ripping glasses off my face. Amazing. I'm not one of those people who says she wishes she had the surgery a long time ago. It was expensive and I wanted to be in a good financial place before dedicating those kinds of funds to something that I wanted versus something we needed. I appreciate it now more because we had to save the $4,000 and watch it leave our
accounts on the day of the surgery. (Note: I saved it in a limited-purpose flexible spending account AND my HSA so it actually cost us substantially less than $4k once you factor in the taxes saved, but I won't bore you all with my tax wizardry like I do Jackson!)
Juicer! |
I think our biggest recent excitement was watching "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" (watch it for free here:
http://www.hulu.com/watch/289122) and deciding to buy a juicer. I know, I know. We are suckers. We've made a few juices already (orange- yum!, orange and carrot- still yum!, pear and apple- ehhh, and added the juice instead of water to our green smoothies to get extra vitamins!) and plan to keep experimenting with more. Right now we are just kind of having fun with it. We plan to get more intense and really do the juice fast discussed in the movie when we return from Florida in two weeks. Stay tuned! :)
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