Remember when I posted that we went shopping for Hawaii? Well I liked this tote bag for the beach but it was a little pricey and I didn't end up buying it for myself. Fast forward to the next evening and I came home to the bag AND A COOKIE! I thought it was so sweet of Jackson to go back and get it for me since I wouldn't splurge on it myself. I love the bag! Thanks, babe!
New beach bag and A COOKIE!!!!!!!! |
Why was the cookie such a big deal? We have been doing the Whole30 (read about it here: which meant we weren't eating sugar that didn't naturally occur. Somehow chocolate chip cookies are not considered natural so I had not had one in weeks. I was weak. Jackson kept calling me a "cookie-less monster" so he finally caved and got me ONE. It was so good. And being limited to one kept me from ruining my natural eating too much. Win! He's a keeper. Sometimes.
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