It is January in Indiana. My Mom complained that I hardly posted this month. I just stared at her. Nothing happens in January in Indiana other than a lot of complaining about the cold and occasional snow storm.
MacK isn't much of a worker... |
Jackson works from home now when he has "office days" so he hired MacKenzie as his secretary. She isn't a very motivated employee.
Cake for my boss! |
My boss turned 50 this month so I had this cake made for her. Accountants are notorious party people (NOT!) so I had to make sure she felt special on her big day.
MacK scared of Mommy yelling during the SEAHAWKS win over the PACKERS |
My Seahawks are headed back to the Super Bowl after a wild, wild win over the Packers. MacKenzie HATES watching Seahawks games with me. :(
Waiting for shots at the vet :( |
Speaking of MacKenzie, she had to get her shots and Jackson made ME take her. Mean! She was a champ, though. She has a lot of fans in that office.
Shots don't halt the desire to play BALL |
They told me her shots would make her tired. They lied.
Liam rockin' his Christmas gift :) Chirp! Chirp! |
I had to include a photo of Mr. Liam Mauck reppin' the Ball State Cardinals! Adorable! We hope to get some snuggles in with him again soon.
CeCe and MacK |
Grace had a volleyball tournament in Indianapolis so they came to "our" place to spend the night. We had dinner out (Chuy's -yum!) and spent an evening shopping. Grace trying to buy things with her mom's money entertained me quite a bit.
So many ball players... |
Action shot! |
We just have to make it through this week of snow and ice before we head to Naples for 5 days on Saturday. I think we can, I think we can...
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