Sunday, February 1, 2015

"Adult Winter Camp"

We got a ton of sleep and woke up feeling like new people this morning. Jackson needed to run 6 miles so I strapped on my rollerblades and kept him company. A lot of the folks in the neighborhood were shocked to see young people in Florida out walking and cheering Jackson on. One little old lady called me brave for skating. It made me chuckle. (It occurred to me that I'd been skating since I was like 12 so I'm either really old or just really experienced depending upon how one looks at things.)

Jackson did an awesome job. He ran the ENTIRE time (!!!) and was happy as a little clam for most of the run. We loved being out in the warmth on February 1st. Lovely! Lovely! 
Soaking his feet in the cold pool post 6 miler
After the run Jackson recovered a bit and then we headed out for lunch. Tropical Smoothie? Yes, please! From there we headed to the beach to try out of new chairs. They were as fantastic as we remembered- woo hoo! 
PARADISE- found!
An awesome chair, a smoothie, a good book, sun and sand? Yep. Pretty amazing.
The view today
The water is ICE COLD. It is so COLD. I went out with Jackson for a few minutes because he claimed the ice cold water alleviated soreness (I hadn't skated that far in a bit and my legs are a touch sore). That it did. I couldn't feel my legs after three minutes or so. I quickly retreated to my happy place on the beach.

We stopped by Bad Ass Coffee Company on our way back to the condo. Jackson was so excited to have his ice coffee with coffee ice cubes again. I enjoyed mocking the ladies with their dogs in strollers. People are so wealthy down here that they just throw money at silly, silly things. We got back to the condo and jeered golfers until Susie made us stop. Party pooper! 
Now we are settling in with some turkey nachos to watch Seattle hopefully win the Super Bowl. I wanted to blog before the game so that if it doesn't go as planned I can still remember that I had a lovely day today. :) (Susie informed us that the life down here in Naples is "adult winter camp" and she's about right!) 

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