Friday, June 21, 2013


The weather wasn't exactly awesome on Sunday morning so after a quick breakfast we decided to get on the road home. We took the long way home so that I could mark off Arkansas. 
Audit evidence ;)
I now see why my mind told me I'd already been to Arkansas. It is lame! I can only speak for the Northeast corner, but still. The roads were awful and seemingly had not been maintained since the 1970's.
Blytheville's Water Tower
We stopped in Blytheville to get gasoline at a Kroger and see its historic downtown that I'd read about online.
They did have gasoline! I got out of the car at the pump to go shoot a photo of the water tower. Jackson asked me, "what in the world are you taking a photo of HERE?!?!" I chuckled and carried on. Imagine my surprise (Ok, fine, and delight) when a car passes by and a man shouts "NICE ASS" at me while I'm taking the picture. Perhaps that people of Arkansas aren't so bad after all. ;) Jackson found this hilarious. I informed him that when you're old, any compliment is better than none at all.
Without further ado we headed to historic downtown.
Yep. Two signs and we'd seen the whole thing. What is historic about that?! I was SO annoyed!

So Arkansas was a bust! I'm sure other parts of the state are nice. Maybe one day I will be far enough removed from this ugly experience and give it another shot. :)

We stopped in Terre Haute for lunch and then went over to Indiana State University since I'd never seen it. Jackson tried to show me around his old stomping grounds. Then we realized that a lot of progress happens on a campus in EIGHTEEN YEARS and Jackson didn't know where anything was. It was an epic fail. We even accidentally drove ON campus not just through it while we were lost. Oops. :) It was not as horrible as a campus as I'd expected, but I'm still biased towards IU. (Fine, Ball State is nice, too!)

We were so happy to be home and out of the car. I am so thankful that Jackson indulges my ridiculous ideas to go mark off random states for my birthday. We had fun...even if Arkansas was a real letdown!

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