We joined the Porterfield family for dinner on July 11th. Please pretend this was posted on the 12th. Thanks! ;):)
We try to get to the Pfield house every 6 weeks or so to catch up with them and eat Heidi's desserts (you'd think I was kidding unless you'd had her desserts and then you'd know I'm not. At all.). Each time we're amazed at how much the kids change over such a short period of time.
"Jenn, let me show you what pooping the the toilet got me!"- Jax |
Sir Jax is quite the character. He had some girls over visiting when we arrived and he was just so cool about it. It was so funny. He also got a new toy for some potty-training achievements. He was pretty proud of himself. I was pretty tickled at his announcement. ;):)
If I kidnapped, I'd take her. |
You guys, Jocelin is the CUTEST little girl. I swear she has more spunk than any other little one I know. She knows EXACTLY what she wants and lets you know what that is. I appreciate that in a lady.
Too much cuteness! |
She's a little photo-shy which is just one of the ways she's the polar opposite of Jax!
See? Not shy. At all. LOVE IT! :) |
I imagine she's saying, "I'd like to see that photo. You know, for approval." |
Jax when Jackson offered to finish his ice cream cookie for him. Exactly! |
As I said, Heidi makes the BEST desserts. She's known for her homemade ice cream cookie sandwiches, though. You guys, these things are phenomenal. Seriously. They're worth the 7 hours on the treadmill it takes to burn them off. That being said, eating one is sinful enough. Eating two? Well, I think that deserves a little public shaming...
It was a really nice evening to we took the fun outside and chatted while the kids (plus Jackson, of course) played in the sandbox.
"Oh, keep the sand in the box? Where is the fun in that?!" |
Neighborhood kids came over to play, too! |
Soon Miss Jocelin had to retire for the evening as it is hard work being that cute and even babies need their beauty rest. Jax walked us out to our car and climbed in the hang out for a bit. We always have so much fun visiting the Pfield family and we always
sleep so well afterwards, too. ;)
He was looking for the neighbor girl and this was his reaction when he saw her. Young love??!?! |
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