Friday, February 5, 2016

Back in PR!

Ahh-warmth! We landed and quickly made our way to the rental car place to pick up our sweet little red unit for the trip. We were hungry and wanted something easy so we hit up McDonald's. It was not easy! It turns out this location caters to locals and everything was in Spanish. Agh! We struggled through it and got our food ordered with only a few puzzled looks from the restaurant's employees.
Still lovin' in
The traffic going from San Juan to Fajardo was no joke on a Friday afternoon and the trip took longer than it should have, but we made it to our hotel with time to still enjoy a pretty evening.
Our room's view
Jackson taking in the sights and sounds
He is so darned cute.
Who knew we had a boat?!
The view from the resort
Taking it all in
A rainbow in the distance
Our room at this place, El Conquistador, A Waldorf Astoria Resort, was basically tucked in the basement and next to the janitor's closet. We booked on so they had right at zero interest in making sure we had a decent room. We didn't mind since we don't spend a ton of time in our room anyway. The grounds of the hotel were pretty incredible so we spent the evening exploring, ate at a little restaurant in their facility and then hit up the Jacuzzi before retiring early after a busy day of traveling. Tomorrow morning we're headed to hike in the rain forest. Insert excited squeal here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the pictures and the descriptions of your arrival in PR. Looks like it was the start to a very nice vacation!